Gold- Ringed Dragonfly Cordulegaster boltoni |
coming across this magnificent and striking insect more than made up for the tedious 6 hour drive
to Devon the day before. It was unfazed by me or the camera and perched quite happily. I was enthralled by it's huge forest green eyes. This dragonfly breeds in running water but will often hunt in sunny lanes far from water.
a writhing mass of Small Eggar caterpillars |
order Hymenoptera, an Ichneumon,although I haven't decided which species yet (some assistance please mum) |
a somewhat ragged Large White |
another Gatekeeper |
one of my favourites to date although the picture doesn't quite do justice to it's shimmering bronze colour. Order Hemiptera; Forest Bug, Pentatoma rufipes |
a Brown of some sort,possibly a Large Heath |
probably a Garden Tiger caterpillar,often referred to as the woolly bear |
a post dedicated to ladybirds is on it's way...!