Wednesday 5 January 2011

Birch Polypores on a gloomy day

The weather continues to be gloomy and grey but undeterred I ventured out today determined to try out a recently purchased macro attachment for my lens. It rained and rained and rained..

There is an abundance of Birch Polypores and I continue to chart the life cycle of some that I have been watching since the summer, although many of the birches that have hosted them have crashed and fallen unfortunately.

I cropped this droplet further as noticed that the landscape behind is inverted perfectly within it..fascinating

at last I can pick up some of the finer bark detail which fascinates me although really need a brighter day to avoid camera shake

a very old Birch Polypore
one of the fallen winter Birches
this aged specimen really is a vibrant lime green
am now thinking this is Hairy Curtain Crust (edited February)

no idea as to what type of jelly fungus this may be

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