Friday 21 January 2011

A few fine days

I have had huge problems with my photo software which gave up on me early January, hence the delay in posting.I have now purchased new software which will no doubt take me months to get to grips with,grrr. The following is a small selection from recent weeks where there has been the occasional ray of sunshine.January for the most part has been pretty bleak it has to be said...  
Frankie finds a friend out in the sticks

Frankie also found this beautiful swathe of TurkeyTail and was extremely pleased with herself

Beech Barkspot

proof that the sun can shine in January


aged Jelly Ear
am loving the macro lens attachment!
I was surprised to stumble across this crop of Oyster Mushrooms and can only think that the copse we wandered through had been well protected from the recent freeze
I make no apologies for stray wool-just enjoyed the textures of wool and bark
Frankie and mum
mum banned me from printing this but there has to be evidence of smiles in January as far as I'm concerned
one of my favorites-this field was completely waterlogged following the thaws but most of the water had frozen leaving some interesting images beneath the ice
I hope this picture invites you to reach out and run your hand over the wood..
'the trouble with lichen'

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